Thursday, 18 October 2012



What are your preferred genres of music? (Please circle)

Pop                    Alternative                 Rock               Heavy Metal
Dubstep                        Country/Western                Classical

2.      What colour scheme would appeal to you most? (Pick 3)
First colour:                    Second colour:              Third colour:
3.      How much money would you pay for a fortnightly magazine?

50p – 99p               £1 - £2                £3 - £4

4.      Who is your favourite artist/band?

5.      Would free magazines or a free CD influence you more to buy the magazine? (Please circle)
Yes                      No

6.      What would you call a new pop magazine?


7.      How old are you? ...........................

8.      Are you male or female? ....................

9.      Would you prefer a magazine that was published:    (Please circle)

Weekly                   Monthly                         Quarterly

10.  What would you like to see in a magazine? (Please pick 3 and circle)

Interviews              Free posters/gifts               Gossip column
Chart information           Gig/tour information            Competitions

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