Monday, 24 September 2012

Conventions of magazine covers

Company magazine

The main image on the front cover of Company magazinee denotes music and fashion icon, Florence and the machine. This is a convention because she is a highly famous person and fans who see her on the magazine would be more inclined to buy the magazine.

The cover line 'Florance behind the machine..' is directed linked to the main image which is a convention.

The masthead of the magazine is slightly covered by Florance Welsh head which shows that 'Company' magazine is an established and well recognised brand.

As the masthead is the only font which is large and pink it is showing that it is a magazine cover as the masthead font is always unique and isn't used for anything else.

Another convention is that the barcode is clearly noticeable.

An element of Company magazine's house style is pastel colours and italic fonts. This is a convention as the house style matches the audiences age and taste as Company's main audience would be teenage girls to young women.



 The messy layout shows that this magazine is different from Company magazine as that had one main cover story where as this magazine seems packed with celeb gossip stories, rather than just one main story to entice the reader. This shows conventions of pull quotes such as 'exclusive pics'.

 As the pictures are over lapped and squashed together this makes it seem like a regular 'gossip' magazine as it has four small stories about different celebrity's which makes it seem like it has more information where as they are only small stories.

The images and cover lines indicate the magazines content, each of these differ in relation to their target audience. Closer magazine shows a messy and cramped layout which makes it seem like a cheap magazine for teenagers.

The house style of this magazine is bright, bold and 'in your face' colours which is effective as it would get peoples attention if it was on a shelf in a shop. 

The bar code is visible. 

Another convention of Closer magazine is that the pull quote '2 for 1 at top UK attractions' would maybe entice a potential customer to buy it.

The style of the magazine is generally messy and cluttered which makes it seem like it is aimed for a mainly teenage audience.    


 The barcode is clearly visible. 

The large main image, which is a medium close up of Morrisey, is shown giving direct address to the audience which was obviously shot to put on the front of the magazine. 

As Morrisey is a musician and singer, him being on the cover signifies that it is a music magazine.

The barcode is visible in the bottom right hand corner which is a convention. 

The puff 'In the studio exclusives..' draws the reader in and may influence them to buy the magazine. This is taken out of context to interest the reader. 

The house style of the magazine is red, black and yellow which are all bold colours which would entice the reader to look at the magazine. 

The layout of the magazine is crowded around the main image and it seems messy. Where as the style of the magazine makes it seem slick and cool. 



The layout and style of the magazine is very slick and sophisticated which gives the impression that it is for older, working men who have money. 

As the masthead is partially covered up by Kobe Bryan's head, this shows that GQ is an established and well recognised magazine. 

The cover line 'Mr. Clutch' links in with the main image of Kobe Bryant.

The content is mainly sports, girls and mens fashion.

The main image denotes basketball player and sports icon, Kobe Bryant, in a medium/long shot, giving direct address. This has connotations of confidence,wealth (by his slick suit) and that he loves his job; as he has a basketball under his arm. 

The barcode is clearly visible.

The house style of the magazine is blue, white and black with bold and italic text. This is a convention as it clearly shows the magazines unique style by the fonts and colours on the cover of the magazine.

The pull line 'The new look of all American Style' would interest any potential men who are into sports and girls as that is on the cover. 

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