Thursday, 27 September 2012

Contents page conventions

Conventions are repeated and recognisable elements of a media text. The contents page i will be using is NME's November issue from 2008.

                                                                   The 'NME' contents title is in it's own unique text, like the title of the magazine except with a black background. This is a convention as only magazines have a unique font for their title and contents page title. 

Their are white sub-titles to catergorise the different parts of the magazine with a black background to it. The sub-titles group similar articles together which makes it easier for the reader to find a certain type of article.

It clearly has the magazines issue date on it. large main image on the contents page is usually the cover story for the magazine and as it takes up most of the contents page it is most likely to be the main cover story.

NME also has  speech bubbles next to the sub heading's which are on the cover:  

The magazine is also in the typical column layout for the magazine contents page which makes it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for.

It is all clearly numbered.

It also has special offers and puffs to draw the reader in; such as 'The UK's no 1 gig guide inside'.

Small text has been used for the content.

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